Where is he ???????


I know what you’re all thinking. WHERE IS HE??? Well let me tell you. HE IS BACK AND BETTER THEN EVER. Payne is back in action and he’s ready to drop the hammer. I’ve realized I haven’t put up a blog in 2 months and I know that is horrible considering I started this with the goal to bring quality reads to all 22 of you followers.

From this day forward I promise to bring Tenafly Blogs back to the mainstream. Rich Payne never disappeared though. He’s been following the world and has taken up ever bit of information life has thrown his way. He will prevail, he will succeed and he will entertain because he is a silent guardian. A watchful protector and the most electrifying man in all of Global Media. He is Rich Payne


Blue Ripple Meets Red Wall

After last nights midterm elections, it seems overall both sides are happy but for different reasons. Before going into what exactly happened, I’d like to call out every voter in Staten Island. What happened? The most conservative place I’ve been in my life flips blue in an extremely important election? I can’t even count the number of Democrats I know back home on my hands. But anyway…

The final results came in and it seems that overall, the Democrats picked up 26 seats in the House, and the Republicans picked up 3 seats in the Senate. Anyone with basic knowledge of poltics could’ve told you that the house was going to flip. That’s usually what happens in the midterms, the presidents party always loses the majority. But, the Senate win was a massive one. Nothing gets done without the Senates approval, so knowing that we picked up some key states and some good people, it is assuring to know that our government is in good hands.


Above shows what happened in 2010. That was a massive blow for Democrats and one they didn’t see coming. But you then look at the bottom two and realize this wasn’t a total loss. We only lost 26 seats, the average is 32. And historically speaking, only 2 times has the incumbent retained the House and Senate during midterms. So before you go buying the “BLUE WAVE TEARS DOWN RED WALL” realize that the red wall turned that tsunami into a puddle.

What is this going to look like moving on? Well, the Democrats now led by (get ready for this) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, disgusting to think I know, are without doubt going to talk impeachment and investigation because their feelings got hurt. But that isn’t the worst thing. Look at the last supreme court hearing. That was a complete mess because of the Democrats and their lies. Now, it’s going to be easy for President Trump to appoint a future judge, and it’s looking like he will get atleast one more before his term is up.

The overall mood as stated before is victory on both sides. And I would agree with that. While personally I feel the Senate is more important to have, the Dems could easily pull something. Lets just pray that the next 2 years of rallying and campaigning will encourage more republicans to get out and vote. This way we can secure the 2020 Presidential Election and work towards #KeepingAmericaGreat.

Yesterday’s article on the pre election.