Blue Ripple Meets Red Wall

After last nights midterm elections, it seems overall both sides are happy but for different reasons. Before going into what exactly happened, I’d like to call out every voter in Staten Island. What happened? The most conservative place I’ve been in my life flips blue in an extremely important election? I can’t even count the number of Democrats I know back home on my hands. But anyway…

The final results came in and it seems that overall, the Democrats picked up 26 seats in the House, and the Republicans picked up 3 seats in the Senate. Anyone with basic knowledge of poltics could’ve told you that the house was going to flip. That’s usually what happens in the midterms, the presidents party always loses the majority. But, the Senate win was a massive one. Nothing gets done without the Senates approval, so knowing that we picked up some key states and some good people, it is assuring to know that our government is in good hands.


Above shows what happened in 2010. That was a massive blow for Democrats and one they didn’t see coming. But you then look at the bottom two and realize this wasn’t a total loss. We only lost 26 seats, the average is 32. And historically speaking, only 2 times has the incumbent retained the House and Senate during midterms. So before you go buying the “BLUE WAVE TEARS DOWN RED WALL” realize that the red wall turned that tsunami into a puddle.

What is this going to look like moving on? Well, the Democrats now led by (get ready for this) Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi, disgusting to think I know, are without doubt going to talk impeachment and investigation because their feelings got hurt. But that isn’t the worst thing. Look at the last supreme court hearing. That was a complete mess because of the Democrats and their lies. Now, it’s going to be easy for President Trump to appoint a future judge, and it’s looking like he will get atleast one more before his term is up.

The overall mood as stated before is victory on both sides. And I would agree with that. While personally I feel the Senate is more important to have, the Dems could easily pull something. Lets just pray that the next 2 years of rallying and campaigning will encourage more republicans to get out and vote. This way we can secure the 2020 Presidential Election and work towards #KeepingAmericaGreat.

Yesterday’s article on the pre election.


With today being November 6th every American is faced with the opportunity to go out and vote. There is very clearly two side right now, the anti-Trump Democrats, and then the Republicans.

It’s kind of said when you’re running on the sole fact that “I don’t not like the President”. That is entirely what is wrong with this country. We care so much about what the President said years ago, or we listen to the fake news media and their lies. As a native New Yorker, you can’t turn the TV on without being indoctrinated and brainwashed by the leftist media and their nonsense.

This election is beyond important. The outcome will distinguish who gets the majority and ultimately control of the political structure of our nation. I don’t know about you, but when I see these disgusting excuses for Americans burning flags, killing babies, and hating this nation, I cringe in disgust. Anyone who votes who these radical liberals support are the problem. They’re okay with the government having next to complete control over your life, body, and family.

The reason I will be voting solely republican this election is because I see what’s happening and I don’t like it. After the disgusting and compelling Kavanaugh hearing, the Democratic Party made a mockery of themselves. With little to no evidence, they tried to ruin a mans career. These people do not deserve the power they seek. When people like Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Diane Feinstein want to control our nation, that’s when we need to vote and make sure it doesn’t happen. Senator Lindsey Graham said it in the best way possible, and you can view that here.

So therefore I urge you, better yet BEG you to go out and vote today. Please do you civic American duty, but think before you do so. Do you want this country to succeed? Do you want it to fall into the wrong majority? Do you want you state legislature to be one that changes and commits acts of unconstitutional measures? As someone who is avid in politics, I will definitely be watching closely to what happens. Tommorow I will post a follow up with the results, key switches, and what it will look like moving on. GO VOTE!

Looking for you polling station? Click here!

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